
Book a Lesson

Online booking available year-round

Experience the tools of Tour Professionals

If you want to know how Tour Professionals improve their game then you need to try a lesson with the technology that Matt uses everyday.

trackman logo for Murfreesboro private golf lesson instructor Matt Walter
TrackMan Radar

TrackMan is the Gold Standard for all radars. It's recognized as that "orange box" on the driving range of every tour event. You will never guess what your swing is doing again.

Smart2Move logo for Matt Walter
Smart2Move Force Plates

We can't see the forces that the body applies in a golf swing. Matt uses the Smart2Move force plates to measure those vertical forces and pressure traces to help you reach your maximum potential.

Hackmotion logo
HackMotion Wrist Sensor

HackMotion is a wrist sensor that can measure the angles of the lead wrist. Matt can use this device to help you gain better awareness of what the golf club is doing through impact and how you can fix it with your hands.

Book a lesson

Please use our online booking software to book a lesson with Matt Walter. Select from one of the available options and pick a date and time that works for you! Thank you!

Have a question? Reach out any time